Simple Ways To Maintain Stomach Health We Recommend

Simple Ways To Maintain Stomach Health We Suggest - Maintaining gastric health is not always a matter of food alone, but also of daily life patterns that we may not realize. Here are some tips that we recommend to Maintain Stomach Health.

Simple Ways to Maintain Stomach Health

Simple Ways To Maintain Stomach Health We Recommend
Simple Ways to Maintain Stomach Health

Pay Attention To Meal Hours

The number of activities you do every day may make you late to eat. One of the triggers of high stomach acid is irregular eating patterns. Therefore, try to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same time. If you have the urge to eat at night, eat it 3-4 hours before bedtime to prevent stomach acid from rising from lying down.

Eat Natural Life Necessities

Many of the necessities of life that we need in daily life are the result of processing. According to a study in the journal Inflammatory Bowel Disease, the need to consume processed foods is associated with an increased risk of indigestion.

On the other hand, other studies have shown that the need for the natural consumption of nutrient-rich nutrients can protect the stomach from various digestive diseases. This is why you need to increase the natural necessities of life in your daily menu.

Eat In Small Portions

When eating large portions, the necessities of life that enter in large quantities will stretch the stomach muscles. This can increase the pressure on the stomach, causing complaints of bloating, stomach pain, or heartburn.

Adjusting the portion of food can be used as a procedure to maintain stomach health. Try to eat portions that were three times a day changed to 4-5 times with smaller portions. This will make the stomach work lighter.

Manage Stress Well

Stress is one of the triggers for GERD. This is because stress can reduce the production of the hormone prostaglandin. This hormone functions to coat the stomach wall to protect it from eroding stomach acid.

Stress is unavoidable, but you can manage it with various procedures. Try breathing techniques, meditation, or turn your stress into something you enjoy. If necessary, you can also undergo therapy with a psychologist. Be careful, often restless and restless make ulcers trivial recurrence

Drink Fluids, But Not Too Much

Although it sounds simple, drinking fluids can help you maintain a healthy stomach. The liquid has a neutral pH (acidity level). Drinking fluids will help neutralize stomach pH when acid production is at its highest.

However, don't drink too many fluids in a short period. This can upset the mineral balance in the stomach, triggering an increase in stomach acid. Drink a glass of liquid after meals and follow the recommended daily intake.

Limiting Alcohol And Caffeine Intake

Alcohol and caffeine are stimulants that can affect stomach function. High acid in coffee can also inhibit the closure of the esophageal sphincter muscle. This muscle must close when you do not swallow the necessities of life. When the sphincter does not close, stomach acid can flow into the esophagus and cause ulcer symptoms. If this condition occurs repeatedly, it is known as acid reflux disease, also known as GERD.

Do Not Smoke

Smoking culture and the use of tobacco products harm gastric health. This is because the nicotine in cigarettes or tobacco products can relax the esophageal sphincter muscle. Like alcohol and caffeine, these can cause stomach acid to rise into the esophagus. Not only causes ulcer symptoms, but stomach acid that often rises can also cause inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis).