Easy Ways To Maintain Eye Health

Easy Ways To Maintain Eye Health - Eyes are windows to the world. This short sentence is appropriate, because through our eyes we can see, understand, know, and much more. But we also need to pay attention to the health of our eyes. Not only the body can feel tired or tired, but care and ways to Maintain Eye Health are also needed so that the eyes do not get tired easily.

How To Maintain Eye Health

Easy Ways To Maintain Eye Health
Easy Ways To Maintain Eye Health

The following are various efforts to maintain eye health so that they are always healthy and do not worsen the vision ability of someone who is already nearsighted.

Take Care Of Your Eyes By Avoiding Too Close To Objects

The first way to maintain eye health is to not get too close when watching television, playing games, or reading books. Watching a big screen TV is indeed more fun, but it is more unhealthy, especially for children's eyes. Children who often watch TV too close, to their eyes are very at risk of developing minus when the child grows up.

The safe distance to watch tv is about 2 meters for a 14-inch tv. We recommend using a small screen tv for a family entertainment. This also applies when children play games, PlayStation or otherwise. Likewise, with reading habits, don't get too close, this can make your eyes tense and tired. Use adequate lighting when reading, and do not read while lying down. Reduce the Use of Gadgets

Don't spend too much time in front of the computer, television, or playing games. If your job is to use the computer all day, try to take regular breaks from the computer screen, for example, every 30 minutes or an hour, relax or take a short 5 or 10-minute walk. To prevent dry eyes, blink often and occasionally take your eyes out of the room.

How to take care of your eyes can use an LCD monitor on a computer, the use of an LCD screen tends to be more comfortable and doesn't make your eyes tired quickly compared to using a CRT monitor. Set a high refresh rate on your monitor.

Watching TV for too long can make the eyes tense and tired, and the radiation emitted from the TV screen can be bad for the eyes. Children who are used to watching TV and playing console games excessively tend to be at greater risk of developing a minus eye.

Avoid Rubbing Your Eyes Roughly

Do not rub your eyes harshly and excessively can maintain eye health. When your eyes itch or foreign objects enter, you will automatically rub or rub them. Do this carefully, don't be too loud or arrogant.

Wearing Goggles And Dust Protection

When doing outdoor activities, for example on the road or in a factory area, you should use eye protection such as goggles and a bespectacled helmet. Avoid dust entering the eyes because it can make the eyes infected and make the eyes to experience impaired vision. Wearing glasses is not just for style, but is beneficial for eye health by blocking ultraviolet rays.

UV rays are one of the main causes of hardening of the lens, cataracts, and decreased vision due to disturbances in the center of the retina. The use of glasses with dark lenses can filter UV rays up to 100 percent when outdoors. If you don't have glasses, you can also wear a hat to reduce UV exposure.